Archive for December, 2010

Possibilities in Audience Participation – Part Two

Posted in AP, Audience Participation with tags , , on December 26, 2010 by ghostbusters girl

Not too long ago, we discussed the use of props in Audience Participation (AP) specifically, throwing things at the Ghostbusters. We promised we’d get to one of the other famously fun parts of AP, which is yelling things. At the screen, with all your fellow moviegoers. Riotously funny things that compliment the action onscreen, things you usually can’t not say because you are so thinking them!

Now, for some folks, this sounds like a nightmare.  The Minions have already been made painfully aware of this on multiple occasions. Rather than try and change anyone’s minds, however, we’re just going to take some time now to talk a little bit about  audience lines in AP and why it works for Ghostbusters too.

Possibilities in Audience Participation – Part Two: Yelling Stuff

Why do you want to yell things at a perfectly good movie?  This is a question that the Minions have been asked quite a lot now. We sense that there’s a connection for some folks between  AP and either trying to improve upon something or insulting it.  This connection is especially strong when we broach the subject of yelling stuff at a movie.

First of all, we’d like to make it entirely clear that we don’t really think we can “improve” upon the greatest movie of all time.  We’d be silly to think that. Secondly, its true that sometimes the act of yelling at the screen is totally meant to insult the film.  Take for example, the latest cult film making AP history,  The Room. If you haven’t seen the film, Hurts So Good Films has an AP Guide to The Room that illuminates all the reasons why you might want to yell at the main characters and even walk out on them during their love scenes. Cheap cinematography, questionable art direction, and misogyny especially make for great opportunities to hurl insults.

And who hasn’t watched and loved Mystery Science Theater 3000? The gang from the Satellite of Love dutifully tore apart awful movies by hurling one hilarious joke after another at the screen.  Growing up in the age of MST3K has made it pretty hard for most folks to think that yelling out during a movie could serve any purpose OTHER than insulting the film.

But while we may AP The Room because it is so unbearable otherwise, and while we may bust jokes at cheesy movies a la MST3K, it’s also true that we sometimes AP things we love.

This is absolutely the case for one of the newest and most vibrant players on the AP scene, Repo! The Genetic Opera. The Shadow Cats, the first ever performance group to shadow Repo! claim to have gotten their inspiration after a drunken night of filmcentric karaoke. Their “ultimate fan idea”, and weeks of hard work paid off on opening night when writer Terrance Zdunich attended the shadow premier of his own film Repo! And it continues to pay off as the Shadow Cats have actually spawned a grand new tradition and a worthy outlet for Repo! obsessed fans across the world, who now have access to regular screenings and comraderie with other Repo! fans as they gather to watch and shadow the film.

Why should Ghostbusters fans be denied such an outlet?

We love Ghostbusters.  We’re not trying to improve upon its greatness.  We just think it would be fun to interact with the movie we love so much. Why not? We don’t know about you, but we’ve always wanted to suit up, switch on, and chase some ghosts around town. Screaming riotously (at just the right moments) and enjoying something we’ve loved for many, many years in a new light, surrounded by other fans, in a party atmosphere sounds pretty fun to us.

Ok, so that’s it. Until next time when we’ll talk about costuming and what it means to watch a film in a “party atmosphere.”

Wait, you didn’t think we’d let you in on the actual AP script, did you? Now why would we do a thing like that? It’s true that part of the fun we’ve had these past few months getting ready to go live with this thing is coming up with a tentative blueprint for all the AP in our show. Yes, that meant countless hours of watching Ghostbusters, testing our wits to see who could yell the loudest and get the most laughs, all with popcorn in our mouths. Hard work, no doubt, but someone had to do it. But that didn’t mean that we thought we’d written some kind of definitive “Things to yell at the Ghostbusters!” which we could now put up on the blog to be ogled, adored, trashed, and tried at home. Doing it that way would imply that we think we’re a couple of comedians. Rest assured, dear Ghostbusters fan, we are not comedians! While we’ve managed to build a nice, solid backbone for a superb AP experience, the real fun comes when a roomful of fans come together in a studio in Manhattan, take the backbone that we’ve established, tear it to shreds, and come up with a solid list of suggestions for opening night. And speaking of opening night, have I mentioned that that is where and when the real, real fun begins?

So….keep those casting call RSVP’s coming in, folks!

I was just about to say….

Posted in Casting Call on December 7, 2010 by ghostbusters girl

8 o’clock?

No? How about noon?

Still no good?

Ok, no problem. Two PM to Six PM it is then.

For those of you thinking about joining us in our endeavor to bring phantasmic fun and frolic to the midnight screen, we’ve added specific times to our casting call. You can now prove your love for the boys in beige from 2 to 6PM on January 30, 2011. Bring your good spirits please (DO leave the Scoleri Brothers at home) and your sense of fun! You can even toss out some ideas about things you’d really like to throw at the Ghostbusters.

That’s Sunday, January 30, 2011, 2PM to 6PM. (All this info is now located on the sidebar too.) Times will be extended if needed. Now keep those RSVP’s coming in!

Possibilities in Audience Participation (AP) – Part One

Posted in AP, Audience Participation, Props with tags , , on December 6, 2010 by ghostbusters girl

Ghostbusters is a great film to enjoy at home. You can quote every line without anyone getting upset with you. (Unless your cat is a jerk.) It goes without saying that it’s even better on the big screen. You get great closeups of the PKE meter and other equipment/gear. No more straining your eyes to make out that Crunch bar either!  But what makes Ghostbusters such a great candidate for Audience Participation (AP?) Well, if you’re kind of a purist, then….nothing. But who doesn’t love a quote-along? And trust us, AP is even more fun than that.

But just in case you need some encouragement…a gentle reminder, if you will…never fear, we’re going to give it to you. Today we introduce the first part in a multi-part series entitled “Possibilities in Audience Participation” You will probably see this referred to as PAP in the future, as we’re too lazy to write it out over and over again.

Possibilities in Audience Participation – Part One: Throwing Stuff

Without going into a long and storied history of AP, anyone with a cursory knowledge of pop culture knows about the Rocky Horror Picture Show. Probably you have a friend who has a friend who plays in the cast! The mother of all party screenings, the very start of AP, right here in the Big Apple. Creative and possibly irreverent but most undoubtedly dashing fans turned a critical bomb into a cult classic, and brought AP into being by yelling strategically timed lines at the screen and even using props! Never been to see Rocky Horror? Its no problem; their official fan page goes into detail on what to bring and when to throw it.

We here at Minions of Gozer are convinced that Ghostbusters brims, no, teems, with multiple possibilities for AP. Especially the kind you can throw. Respectfully. But with great joy. See if you can guess what you might want to bring to the theatre for this scene?

That’s right, your shoelaces! Wait. What? You never threw your shoelaces at the old librarian before? Not even to show her how much you liked her? Oh well, I suppose that was just us. No shoelaces then. But how about index cards? Affordable, accessible, and they make that clicking sound when you’re shooting them up into the air.

Next, we have a no-brainer.

Yay! Lets all throw marshmallows! Try and catch them with your mouth! He who catches the most gets diabetes! Or makes their pre-diabetes worse if they’re one of the minions (the one with high sugar.) Amazing!

And lastly, we’ll leave you with a little video!

We’ll let your imagination run wild. Until next time…..when we’ll cover call and response…have a great night and don’t forget to RSVP to our open (shadow)casting call!!!


Posted in Casting Call with tags , , on December 4, 2010 by ghostbusters girl


What: Casting Call for first ever live shadow cast of Ghostbusters
When: January 30, 2011
Where: 440 Studios, 440 Lafayette St., New York, NY 10003

Attention Ghostbusters Fans!

Are you troubled by strange noises in the middle of the night? Do you experience feelings of dread in your basement or attic? Do you know all the lines to Ghostbusters by heart? Have you spent countless hours making your own proton pack or ghost trap? Or do you simply love spending quality time with some popcorn and the world’s preeminent paranormal investigators and eliminators?

Do you love to perform on stage? Or maybe you never have but you think you’d be great at it?

Minions of Gozer Productions is holding a casting call for performers for the world’s first live shadow cast (think Rocky Horror) performance of the greatest movie of all time in the city that never sleeps!

Minions of Gozer Productions is a newly formed team of die-hard Ghostbusters enthusiasts with only one goal: to successfully stage a live shadow cast to accompany midnight screenings of Ghostbusters in New York City! We aim to make this a hilarious, but respectful production that will appeal to all types of Ghostbusters fans, from casual to hardcore; a great show to be put on several times a year for many years to come!

As this is a new endeavor, you will be joining a group of open-minded people who will want and need your input and feedback regarding everything from the script to costume and set design.

Got the tools and the talent? Individuals and groups interested in joining the Minions should send an email to: yourenoflukejennifer (at) gmail (dot) com and we’ll get back to you with your time slot for the day. No one will be turned away; we will find a place in the cast or production team for anyone with a real interest in making this show a success. But you must RSVP and get your time slot if you want to have an audition.